What am I Gifted at?? 9/18/2015
Gifted by definition: is having exceptional talent or natural ability. Up to now I really never put much effort in thinking about something I am exceptional at. After careful consideration I have decided on a couple things that do come extremely natural to me.
I Olivia W. Trujillo am gifted at creativity, I am drawn like a moth to a flame at anything crafty. When I see some art or necklace or crafty idea my first reaction is "Oh I can do that". I love making and tinkering and pouring creativity to a task, it gives me great satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.
So as I think about being good at something I am also gifted with honesty, or being truthful. I find most people really don't want your "real opinion" they just want to you tell them what they are trying to hear. Since starting my yatra with yoga training I have been thinking what is truth? I mean somethings do depend on perception. But as for myself I feel good about not Lying to others or myself. So maybe that is my honesty. I try to lead my life in a fashion to be open to others thoughts and taste them for myself, I actually love talking to people that have extremely different views than myself (to a degree) just to push past my own thoughts and ideas and to try on others views. In the gift of honesty I do also try to own my own shit: meaning when I am wrong I admit it, to myself and others.
Following through is another attribute I think could be a gift. When I start something I have a need to see it to the end. This also rings true when I give another my word. If say I am going to do something it will get done. While I type this I am starting to see why Catherine gave this assignment to us. These gifts I have been given have had no light shed on them until now. I spend way too much time pouring energy into the wrong things like doubt & fear.
I could also say that another gift would be the ability to preserver. Reminiscing of last year when I had an ectopic pregnancy the feeling of brokenness and the scar that throbbed as a reminder seemed to always be present. Today talking about it still brings me to tears. But, and there is a but I feel that the scar has been a reminder of : (love this quote and I believe it to be true for me at least)
“My scars tell a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded.” Steve Maraboli~
Crazy as I keep delving in to the ideas of "gifts" each one I throw down on the page brings me to the idea that I am more than I ever considered. That as I take the time to reflect on "ME" I have so much inside.
I am also a lover, a lover of all things people, animals, quotes, books and too many other things to write. Loving comes easy the giving of myself warms and helps to weld my cracks together. And Lord do I feel like I have some deep grooves in my being that need it. I think I have enough cracks left for the light to enter. (wink)
"The wound is where the light enters" Rumi ~
With is quote maybe I need less welding...lol and more love and light to shine into those dark places in my mind and heart. I find that being vulnerable has awakened a different version of me. One that has to reflect on what is really going on inside. Funny when I have been most open with another my direct reaction afterward was "oh shit" is there a retract button. What if they see me the real me and I am lacking. But if I am being honest, being vulnerable and sharing is just connecting with another person and myself.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Most recently I had this crazy thought about love.
I currently am about to start my training to be a Yoga Instructor, and on the way to the studio I wanted reassurance from my man that I could do this. That I was good enough. When I was about to leave I stalled just waiting there, holding out for him to say "you're going to be great". That didn't happen. But he did kiss me and tell me he loved me. My thought was in the I love you I was given is it the same as you're going to be great. Does "I Love You" cover it all?
This brought me way back to a conversation I had with a dear friend. She was upset due to her boyfriend never complimented her. I told her if he never says " you're beautiful" does it make it any less so. This brings me to the idea that I was wanting reassurance for a choice I know was right for me but having another agree would what? Make it better? Give ME more confidence? So in the spirit of self acceptance I reassured myself, with you know you're good enough. You have the passion and the drive not to mention the timing is so spot on. Go for it! You can do it!
Not to mention I do believe that the "I love you said it all". It told me that he sees me accepts me and my choices. Now I need to stop depending on others thoughts and go with my gut!
Keir (Redemption #1)

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
In the quest for the next Sci-Fi book I stumbled across Keir. I received this ARC for an Honest review~
Quinn has been traveling through time and space on a quest to find Rulk. The one being that essentially took everything from her without a second glance. Upon her journey she crossed paths with Keir. Keir, segrogated and banished from all around him do to his Blue skin coloring he was deemed a demon. Their story is one of emotional growth and love.
I actually found this book hard to focus on. When the plot thickened and a secondary story was churning in the background I was confused. I went back and read..lol I also found the names to be hard to pronounce. This may seem odd for some but I do enjoy understanding a character by being able to pronounce their name. Quinn was really hard to empathize with she was kinda flighty and all over the place. I understood what she went through and what made her tick but I didn't connect with her on the page. What also was a downer for me was the way the writing switched to depict who was talking. Quinn's speech was written like a normal person would talk, whereas Keir when voicing his mind on the page was portrayed as one who spoke like he just learned each word, very proper for someone who grew up hiding from society. The book was slow and I really didn't feel like the pace picked up even during the action. I can only imagine the story line will grow with the next book.
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
Dark Redemption (Dark Paradise #3)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have read the two prior books before Dark Redemption and my one true regret is I waited so long to read this last book!! This series is gritty and raw it is packed full of emotion and some crazy life or death situations. Think Paranormal murder mystery in the Bayou.
Dark Redemption is just that a dark journey Mala and Landry go through for redemption. Their Journey is not just dark but the trials they face test the very essence of their souls. Deep Right?! Angie Sandro pours life into her characters you feel like you know them and their family. The Louisiana country living is well depicted and easy to visualize. By the books end I felt as if I watched an amazing movie..lol
Mala and Landry are trying to pick up the shattered remnants of their lives. Dee is in a coma. The Acker boys have no family besides Mala, Landry and his dad are helping where they can. In most cases family issues are the main thing to worry about not so much here you have a killer taking young teens and mutilating them not to mention Magnolia, Mala's Voodoo Queen aunt has her own agenda.
The last couple chapters were a game changer. I was totally blindsided by the nefarious change in events. Kids being brutally murdered, demon/ non-demon like possession for several people and flesh eating butterflies (loved that part). I found the writing magical A.S. can describe things in such a way that you feel like you totally see where her mind is at and what she is giving you. All this without pages of overly written descriptive unnecessary words. Her words are carefully constructed and welded in such a fashion that you can't help but enjoy.
Each character really brings something to the table, they are all well developed and when you assemble them as she does you can't help but applaud. Mala really grew in this series you watch her gain confidence and mature it was beautiful I loved her in these books. When the book ends so does the series you get complete closure at least for Mala and Landry~
I would recommend reading them all in order. You'll see after you pick up the first one Dark Paradise this isn't a chore your doing yourself a favor.
I received this for an honest review.
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Monday, August 24, 2015
Ride Steady (Chaos, #3)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Kristen Ashley books and dark chocolate are much in the same they make you salivate when indulging, dark sinfully sweet and slightly bitter. KA Mystery Man series is what initially got me hooked to her writing the men are dangerous in every way in and out of the sheets and the women are revered and loyal. I love that!! You don't get catty drama you get wild life scenarios and ride or die personas that get through them.
The Chaos novels had to be one of the very first Motorcycle club series I have read. They set a high standard for what to expect. The men have vast depth like the oceans and even though they portray confidence you can see by reading that they are vulnerable as well. I find that to be a big plus for me. That the men have things to work out as well, from heart brokenness or residual effects from abuse and not feeling that they deserve a happy ever after.
Carson Steel social outcast, brooding defender of the weak and all time mystery panty dropper in High School. With the idea that he is nothing and is good for less than that since it has been beaten into him day in a day out it is a wonder he made it to adulthood. Once he got old enough he pushed back and left town. I would say he came back a "self made man" but the Chaos motorcycle club is a brotherhood, even with Carson's success he doesn't forget those who stood by him. His name is all the buzz in custom cars and motorcycles.
Carissa has lost so much in life yet she still works at being the best mother she can and has no shame in doing whatever it takes to accomplish that! Sure her high school sweetheart cheated on her and divorced her left her with damn near nothing. This will not stop her from getting what she wants.
A second kismet encounter between Carissa and Carson sets them both on a rocky yet amazing path one built on trust, love and hope. Carson saw Carissa as the perfect girl in High School, she was equally beautiful inside and out. Carissa also had a crush on Carson and tried to lure him into spending time with her in his last night in town. Never know what a difference that would have made for the both of them. So present date Carissa had no idea it was Carson Steel her dream man in high school that helped her out when nobody would. This one act of kindness snowballed into the whole club helping her in many ways. Things get crazy and exciting once the cat is out of the bag. One thing is for certain these two are so right for each other that once they just let the cards fall where they may they'll still be embraced in each other's arms. Through the trials and tests of love they come out swinging it's the real deal all the way!
This book had so many cameo visits from characters in many other KA books I loved it. Please note that this in NO WAY means you have to read them all or in order to know what is going on. They all stand alone yet blend here and there.
This book had so many supporting characters especially for Carson I was so moved by the love he was shown and the people he had as a surrogate family since his was less than the norm. I feel that KA shows the struggles and hardships that people face without shame and persecution. It is so humbling, I loved that Carissa had no qualms about working wherever as long as she could afford to be with her son. That was what mattered more. The book was fast paced and the sex could steam up a bathroom smoldering hot. You should know it was vivid and thoughtful. But if you do not like all the naughty bits I say skim forward, the book was a great read either way~
I was lucky enough to receive this ARC for an Honest review.
Thank you!!
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Tempted By Fire

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I initially picked up this book because I really enjoy Erin Kellson's writing. It being a ARC is a total perk! I started with her Shadow series then moved on to her Reveler series now she has moved on to Dragon shifters hallelujah! Apparently she has no lack of creativity~
Tempted by Fire was no hardship to read, with this new world created by EK you get different kinds of shifters several vampire cameos and a look into the hardship life of Dragon kin.
6 centuries can feel like an eternity to finally have a resolution to the murder of your wife and child! That is exactly where Thane Ealdian stands with the remains of his family finally surfaced his hope is to ferret out who the killer was a dish out his vengeance. There are only a couple obstacles: Another Bloodkin family has laid claim to the leftover fragments of what he held dear, the other is the mediator Emerson Clark who happens to be a fiery dragon female. Emerson's job is to work as the go between with both families to negotiate where the remains truly belong.
With evidence incriminating Heolstor family, Thane's only thought is of blood! Killing, revenge, then maybe his trip to Havyn to give the dragon with in his final flight. Yet the Night Song that stirred his dragon was beginning to dim as a new distraction seem far more entertaining, Emerson.
Emerson Clark, cannot wait for this last assignment to come to an end. She is over the glitz and glam of the Bloodkin's wealth. Sounds crazy right!? See the problem is the luxurious living comes with them controlling you too. She can't even have dinner without someone watching her checking in on her and the fact she has no life outside of work. She craves a life of her own.
Just as other books written by EK the characters are always well define, thought out and head strong. You always get a crystal clear picture of who you are reading about. Emerson was delightful, she herself doubted being part dragon and you get these tiny breadcrumbs throughout the pages that shed light on her more Bloodkin tendencies. I felt the beginning kinda slow but then it picks up and moves at a much steadier pace. The sex was not over the top for those who like the innuendo but not the blow by blow descriptive, yet you still have the passion and fire. Thane was total alpha and who doesn't like that in a shifter romance?? I felt the supporting characters had importance as well and I look forward to see who gets a book of their own. All in all once I stopped trying to pronounce the family names and focused on the actual storyline I couldn't put it down. I will say after The Reveler series this book was good, but God The Reveler series is phenomenal. So high hopes for where it all leads~
I will most definitely read all that this series has in the future. It was really good and it can only get better with this author!
I received this for an honest review.
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The Highwayman (Victorian Rebels #1)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Kerrigan Byrne has to be one of my all time top favorite authors. She has a knack for blending the fiercest alpha males with their equally feminine counterpart. I have read almost everyone of her books and swooned accordingly.
Dougan and Farah's story will sweep you up like a tornado. It gives and gives and gives all these complex situations and furiously I read on. I have a large portion of this book highlighted due to the carefully constructed passages that were breathtakingly poetic and moving!
Their bond started while both were young and in an orphanage. Young love is the purest kind. To have that love and acceptance was something foreign to Dougan. One taste of love and Dougan was hooked. The orphanage was where they came together and it was also what forced them apart.
Fates cold caress never left Dougan he was imprisoned at a very young age and suffered what no human should. Every kind of abuse imaginable was forced upon him and Dougan perished while in prison. Through the darkness the Blackheart of Ben More emerged (Dorian) demolishing Dougan's enemies in his wake. While incarcerated a gang of boys formed an alliance and together nothing could stop them. They remembered all the memories Dougan shared of his Fairy and those cherished moments helped them all face the shadows.
Farah leads a bluestocking life as a clerk in a police department. The startling and curious response she had when encountering the Blackheart alarmed her to no end. This chance occurrence lead her truly down a rabbit hole, for everything she knew was about to be turned upside down.
This book was one of the best historical romance I have ever read, it's like all Kerrigan's books lead to this new series. OMG I cannot wait for the next installment. It grips you much like the Maiden Lane series be Elizabeth Hoyt. If you enjoyed her writing you will without a doubt ADORE this book!! The writing is smooth and fluent. Some parts were so poetic that I had to reread them over and over. The love , strength and endurance her characters go through is astonishing. They preserver but sometimes when you have been drowned and submerged in the darkest moments of your life you are forever tainted and even though you made it through part of you can be lost. Good thing I believe in Fairy's.
I was overwhelmed with emotion and hope while reading this. Holding my breath with every encounter Farah had with Dorian Blackwell. The intensity at which he needed to possesses her body and soul makes you yearn for that kind of adoration. The moments when he did take her were exquisite delicious. When they were intimately engrossed with each other these moments they are small works of art the heat and passion is molten. Carefully written and constructed vividly descriptive and leaves you quivering.
I received this for an Honest review. I honestly think you should read this book and ALL the other books this women writes!!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Stolen and Forgiven (Branded Packs, #1)

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This collaboration has a familiar shifter feel in totally unique setting. Kind of like a dystopian shifter romance.
Years after a virus thinned out human existence shifters came forward to help save the human race.
Their thanks was incarceration, branding and why not collar them as well for good measure.
Small community living has enormous down fall for a large group of people suck in tight quarters. With that being said imagine being a shifter, knowing that if you haven't found your true soul-MATE you probably never will. How could you? You are locked up with the same people you have been for decades.
Holden the Alpha has hard choices to deal with everyday between being forced to brand and collar all of his people even the children and the feeling of being trapped and at his wit's end all comes to a halt the instant he smells her. The thought of just letting her bleed out and die when there is a way she could be saved is unacceptable. Not to mention the retribution his pack will suffer if a dead human is found in their compound.
Ariel has had a less than perfect life. Parents are dead, growing up in an orphanage was her all time low or so she thought. I think lab-rat and a real live game of operation just made it to the top of her shitiest moments list. Tossed away like garbage into the Wolves compound with death closely nipping at her heals. In that moment of darkness she never imagined emerging a wolf.
I found the plot to be inventive but the usual flow was not there. Not to mention the sex, it was really choppy. You didn't get any heat from it, no titillation or yearning to run home a strip it down. It felt clumsy. What also brought the rating down for me was the first chapters seem to have an abundance of repeating going on. The need to run, the way the submissive wolves where described. No poetic eloquence. Not to mention the part where she just wants Holden to "Make her feel good" totally made me think of Billy Bob Thornton and Halle Berry in Monster's Ball. No Romance.
Now for the second installment Forgiven, this one was very different. Like night and day. The chemistry was bubbling and overflowing. Loved it. The story had a building up tempo that had you powering through the pages.
Holden's pack feared retaliation from what happened with the doctor. They expected punishment just not in the form of sharing the small living compound they had. With the tigers no less. Higher Powers that be expected them to just fight and let themselves thin the herd. The shifters where smarter than that. They have been in communication for years and the key players in each community already had some history. The in the sheets kind.
Cora the tiger princess is less than happy to see the only male her cat wanted to mate with, Soren. Soren took one for the team and mated in his own pack. Back then the Alpha wasn't mated the pack needed stability. Yet the guilt he holds due to his young mate dying is a palpable thing, so strong that even after she passed away he couldn't approach Cora. But that too is in the past. All they have between them is the walls they built themselves. Which happen to be paper thin...lol They each have a strong mating pull towards each other their other half have absolutely no qualms with human emotion or pride.
When they do come together, fireworks are ignited and the passion that has been tempered pour out. With life seemingly good, of course that is when the other shoe drops. The SAU wants to force the packs to change people of their choosing into a shifter. They got this bright idea that having Cora would make her father more pliable to their whims. What wasn't accounted for was Soren and his determination to have her with him now and always. They just pissed off the wrong wolf.
AS I mentioned before this was gripping and action packed, this story sheds light on new players and gives you an idea of all the possibilities the series can go.
Very good read.
I received this for an honest review. I truly enjoy Alexandra Ivy's writing. This collaboration was not quite what I expected. I just finished Blood Assassin and I was thrilled to pick this book up. But not a total loss.
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Friday, July 10, 2015
Blood Assassin (The Sentinels, #2)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Love is a powerful motivator.
What wouldn't you do for someone you loved?
Blood Assassin has been on my to read list for a while and I swear I am kicking my own ass for waiting so long to read it! It was a fast paced read, one that was unpredictable and refreshing.
The absolute best part about it was the hero and the villain both had the same motivator! So in essence how can you dislike someone who you can empathize with? Crazy & exciting!
You have an ex-assassin who is trying to obtain his child by any means necessary, so manipulating and poisoning a person is not above him. Especially when the abductors threaten the man that usually is considered the threat!
Then there is Serra and Fane their relationship is a rocky road that leads to nowhere. She has all but stripped down and begged him to be in his life and or his bed. No such luck on either account and she's just done with it all! Yet when it becomes obvious she is in danger, come hell or high water he will do whatever is necessary to assure her safety above all else!
OMG, I just loved Fane if I didn't have a book boyfriend or 2 he would be the one. His charm and witful remarks surprised me throughout the book. He was this deep well of thought and at first glance he just didn't come off that way. I don't know who was more surprised me or Serra...lol With carefully guarding her heart against yet another painful rejection she really is in awww of Fane and his course of action. She refuses to be the damsel in distress and he proves that when he claims her it's for keeps.
I have just moved all things Alexandra Ivy to the top of my reading list. Her book just really struck me and peeked my inner romance addict. Enjoyable and sensual on several levels, what a read! Her passion seeped into her characters, they were deep and well constructed. Even the Bas and his sidekick, I was rooting for them as well.
I received this ARC for an Honest review! If you adore Alpha Males, Tattoos and action packed romance than what are you waiting for~
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Friday, June 26, 2015
Nightwalker (The World of Nightwalkers, #5)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Nightwalker was a great end in the series, at least I got the impression it was the end. The series may pick up with the new addition to the Nightwalker clan, only time will tell.
Picking up this book had to be done, I needed closure. This final chapter picks up right where Forged left us fighting the reincarnate God Apep. I strongly suggest reading at least 1-2 books before this one in the series in fear of being lost in the greater plot. You really get a sense of closure in the book it touches on past characters that were introduced and most even had their own book.
I feel really strongly about knowing how to kill off a character for the greater good of the series. You can always find a way to bring them back (wink). This is what diminished the stars on the review for me. I will not spoil it (completely) you cannot have a happy-ever-after for everyone, it isn't functional. I truly was disappointed that only the characters that I had No attachment to were the ones that perished. Where is the depth in that? Don't get me wrong when the shit hits the fan and I am crying thinking how unjust it was, later I applaud that same monumental moment it breathes life into the story. What is life without loss?
So in this last installment you get Kamen's resurrection of sorts. Not that he comes back again but it is his comeback story. The finality of his great misdeed that freed Apep and initially caused him to deflect to the good guys leaves him feeling worthless and he strives to find resolution. His found purpose in defeating the God has been established and he will make sure all the Nightwalkers will come together to break the curse. On this righteous path he gains a champion in a half-breed Wraith Vieve.
Vieve delivered the grand slam in this book, she brought all the bases in. I love everything about her. She was instrumental in making Kamen whole and in the act of championing for him she gained her own worth! She seemed to touch everyone in the story and even though she wasn't a full wraith she implemented herself in helpful ways.
This book jogged around a bit, I really think it was a closing to the series rather than Kamen and Vieve's tale. This being said all in all you get closure on multiple levels but I still have questions.
Like what about Grey and the Unicorn...lol?
I received this for an honest review.
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Friday, June 12, 2015
Fate Undone

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I picked up the very first book in the Mythean Arcana series on pure chance, now I an anxiously waiting for the next fix like a junky. Each in its own right can be a standalone that's how easily you get swept up into the Mythean world. This series is quickly becoming an all time fav. for me. Each book highlights another love swept couple and the unique struggles that they'll face, much like any romance. Yet the game changer here is the well developed world of Mythean's, God's and Immortals each having different struggles and abilities along with the complexity of love...pure magic!
Loki and Sigyn's story is one of growth, self sacrifice and owning your shit, all the good bad and in between. After hundreds of years and new identities these two still harbor baggage and not the Louis Vuitton kind.
Loki the deceiver what wouldn't he do to out strategize his fate? All this maneuvering has brought him full circle with life. Once again in the vicinity of the only other person with whom he felt a connection with and happens to be the same person he renounced, Sigyn.
Sigyn harbors a lifetime (maybe several lifetimes) of anger and hurt. Just imagine how that can fester. She gave up being a God for the love of a controlling manipulative Ass. She doesn't even realize how pissed off she still is until he shows up bleeding in her home. Right away he needs something and has all this I'm Sorry shit but, she is trying to live for her and her alone. After being blackballed by the other Gods for her association with Loki, she is a remade woman. With a new name and loving community she adores...that is until she hears from said Controlling manipulator that her sanctuary and all she holds dear has a triple threat with nefarious intentions!Loki isn't a total lost cause, he not only sacrifices all he is to save the woman he loves he also risks it all for the Gods that condemned him. Their quest is crazy and in the tribulations they find the courage to forgive and heal. Oh Yeah~
Don't get me wrong there is a ton that I didn't mention because you need to read the book, this one much like the others in the series is scorching in the bedroom! So thought out and lecherous in the most appealing way ever. I feel the heat was definitely turned up in this one. No Complaints here the build up and Climax were exquisite~
I find this series so thorough and unique from the thought concept of the plot to how gripping the characters are. Every book offers up diversity and passion not only the sexually charged kind either. The passion for living and acceptance, nothing is more rewarding than really connecting to a writer's work. Empathizing with the traits and thought process of the personalities to which you are reading about. That connection is the addiction, who hasn't been burned in life? Who doesn't like a comeback? A second chance? Isn't that the allure of a truly great read?
Well then pick up the book and give it a go!!
I received this book for an honest review, it was exceptional!!
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Wolf with Benefits

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have read and diligently followed Shelly Laurenston’s Pride series like a total Shifter Groupie. Guilty as charged!! Always fascinated with Shifter stories there is just something about men and women that can morph into an animal counterpart that makes the paranormal fiction even better. When you look at everyday people their mannerisms seem to take after animals…at times. Shelly’s writing takes it a step farther.
The She-Jackal Antonella Jean-Louis Parker “Toni” for short was handed the short end of the stick when it came to destiny dealing out Prodigy status. Knowing full well her whole pack was granted a gift in various skill sets and her only skill was managing their egotistical, narcissistic little ass’s day in and day out. Schedule after schedule and class upon class her life was dedicated to organizing them and keeping the peace among the heathens. That is until she finds her talent for scheduling and managing the unmanageable can be used on a greater scale, like managing the Hockey team the Carnivores.
Toni has severe separation anxiety, she has dedicated so much of herself to helping her brothers and sisters attain their goals she has lost all sight on hers, which is the reason she a) has no boyfriend, and b) can’t get laid. All work and no play schedule is about to change and Ricky Lee is just the wolf for the job. Ricky Lee was such a great counterpart for Toni’s character. This easy going voyeur really supported Toni and helped her realize she was capable and had qualities that make her just as special as her prodigy family. She really finds her worth in this book and at the end she has this amazing moment with her parents. Not to mention she really kicks ass at her job and the outlandish fires that seem to come up to test her, you do not mess with a she-jackal or her kin! Ever!!
Ricky Lee Reed is a curious wolf who loves to be entertained. His first encounter with Toni was nothing but shear entertainment especially when he realized the “Are you my daddy”, line she had her siblings use was just to mislead. When he realized Toni was nothing short of a maelstrom of funny and outlandish comic relief at least that is how he interprets the antics of her brood, following her around to see what happens seems like the right thing to do.
This continued in the norm for SL books, this means you have characters so define you may just write them a Christmas card, that is how dynamic they are! I am never more amazed as I am reading these books; this one in particular was so F@#king hilarious I was laughing-out-loud so often people probably thought I had issues. *Warning do not read this book in libraries* Toni’s siblings had me rolling with the simple way they executed their opinion and cut you down to size effortlessly. I swear I love Kyle!! And Freddy.
I cannot put my finger on one reason why these books standout for me the world they live in is just like the real world with the obvious exceptions. The supporting characters are much like your own crazy family they pop in and out of this book and sometimes newbies are introduced like Livy… OMG I am going to read Bite Me very soon, I missed that one somehow. Let’s not forget the action (in many ways) but the threat still persist in the shifter community and I think with the new players looking into the people hunting down shifters and stuffing them for trophies will soon be put down. These books aren’t overly sexual, (that is possible… sort of) you do get the idea and the imagery is Lovely but it isn't borderline erotica…lol For those of you that don’t care for the freak in the sheets time. I personally feel this book like the others in the series is a 5 star read in every way!
I received this for an honest review!
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
(Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club, #2)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Sinner's Tribe Motorcycle Club series will get you revved up for sure! This second installment is hotter and more sinful than the first!
Dawn mother of two and surviving through her life, barely! So she had 2 selfish nights with Cade, his touch forever marked her in ways she never thought possible. With a burning desire coursing in her veins for more of his touch, his kiss and most of all the security she feels only with him. It’s a good thing he can't take no for an answer. Showing up right when she needs only what a Sinner like him can give her.
Cade, war vet and a Sinner for life has never had good timing. He wasn't there to save his mom and nothing he does will bring back the guys he served with. His unwavering urge to protect Dawn runs about 50/50 with wanting to sink more than his teeth into her. The first woman to really shoot him down after 2 scorching sexual interludes with her, she just up and leaves. Wam-bam-I-used-you-man style. Realizing her past has some deep scars that tie into a rival motorcycle club makes the complexity of the situation way hotter and more dangerous than ever.
Holyshit, this series is better than SOA and way more pleasurable. I am pretty sure I mentioned this in my other review. Fear not I am here to let you know that Sarah Castille has her shit handled! Dishing out gritty strong women proud of their bodies and sexuality. Does it get better than that? Oh yes it does, throw in Alpha males that instill trust and will be there no matter the situation. They will accept you no matter your past and help you make a future! Hell Yes to the Sinner's Series!! They will serve up your enemies on a platter then eat you like their favorite dish.
The raw diverse sex in these books happen to be creative and tasteful, no pun intended. What I am getting at is you feel the connection; it isn't just some sweaty bodies getting busy. It is breaking down the barriers you haphazardly build an only the bold break them down and found within is more strength than you ever thought imaginable! The book is fast paced and exciting. The characters are true to themselves, the situations they face try to break them but only windup recreating them. You will need to hold on with both hands for this ride.
If you are looking for a wild, steamy book to heat up your day, start here.
I received this ARC for an honest review!
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Thursday, May 21, 2015
Witches Be Burned (Magic & Mayhem, #2)

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Paranormal Romance is a favorite genre for me. I had really high hopes for this book, the blurb was catching and the cover was enticing as well.
I found the story background good and the idea very creative. The book first started out it seems where the last left off. I will admit I was lost for the first chapter. (I didn't read the first book in the series) I wanted to get swept up in the story, yet I found it overly descriptive. Had to suppress my urge to skim read. Nexi's character didn't connect with me. One moment she is upset Kyden doesn't treat her as a equal since he wants to protect her and the very next minute she is ready to sit on his cock. There was no buildup, no passion and I was forcing myself to keep reading. I do like the creative place this book stems from but all in all I did not enjoy the narrative way it was written.
I received this for an honest review.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The One You Want (The Original Heartbreakers, #0.5)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I am a huge fan of Gena Showalter, I just love the Alien Huntress Series, Lords of the Underworld, Otherworld Assassins, Animal Instincts is my all time fav. This being said no wonder I picked up this new romance of hers.
Small towns have a way of embracing you and scorning you. This can totally be said for Kenna. I would say that she made a huge mistake but I feel your lifes path is destine regardless. At 16 Kenna started on her turbulent path, after a night of partying she ended up with child. Raising a child alone is a heavy burden now add a town full of gossipers and your load only seems to get heavier. Having a child with a nameless father isn't her only trouble, it seems she can never grow out of the adulteress shadow of her mother. Like I said Small Town.
Kenna and Dane both innocent kids finding solace in one another while their parents were getting busy. Fast forward several years and the lovebirds are getting married. This is how Kenna and Dane reconnect and try to save each other from settling into the roles others have carved out for them.
What I love most about Gena Showalter's writing isn't just the panty dropping action, she really knows how to put her heroines in life shattering situation. Not only do they step up to their challenges they prosper as well. Isn't that what we all try to accomplish?
Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping it's dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.”
― Tupac Shakur, The Rose That Grew from Concrete
The supporting characters had a southern flare and I anticipate the books to come. I enjoy the gritty realism that fertilizes their growth. The book's plot has a very real feel, it could be a place you live and that could be your friend. I alway applaud the underdog especially when they don't harbor bitterness but instead flourish and things workout not only because they make it so but because they believe the best IS yet to come.
I received this ARC so an Honest review.
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Thursday, May 14, 2015
The Unlikely Lady (Playful Brides, #3)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Unlikely Lady was an easy book to pick up ever since I read Valerie Bowman’s short story in Christmas Brides, It Happened Under the Mistletoe.
So Garrett and Jane have this fun playful banter. The teasing and quips fly with easy between these two one would l think that they really couldn’t stand each other. Jane the know-it-all always has a sharp barb to throw his way. While Garrett does enjoy ruffling her feathers. This is how it has been for years. It seems the weeks spent at their dearest friends wedding will certainly turn all they perceived of one another inside out.
Nothing is more liberating than a Masquerade hiding your identity become another version of yourself. Everything they know stands still after a mind-blowing interlude they have under the guise of their dominos. The pleasure that erupts from the mind shattering petting makes Jane second guess all her carefully attained knowledge. Nothing beats firsthand experience.
This historical romance is playful and funny just as it is romantic. I loved Jane, she was intellectual and daring in the end she turned out to be so dynamic. Her counterpart Garrett he too was more than meets the eye; nothing beats a strong supportive man. The comradery that Jane and her friends have not to mention their crazy plans makes me want to read all of their stories. It isn’t everyday you are either laughin-your-ass-off or swooning from page to page. The plot twists and turns and with each you really see how well developed all the characters are. There was some reference to the Shakespeare play Much Ado About Nothing, this book has similar attributes. If you love to laugh and enjoy a truly diverse romance than look no further.
I received this for an honest review~
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Thursday, May 7, 2015
Wolf Bride

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Historical romance is what stirred my love of reading. Wolf Bride first sparked my interest on Amazon while I perused books. The cover was inviting and for a hot minute I thought it was about a shifter Wolf in a historical setting…lol.
The book is set in the time of King Henry and Anne Boleyn and their failed marriage which lead to her death. The historic point of the book was really good I feel I had somewhat of a history lesson these past 2 days reading.
Eloise is doing her duty to her family in marrying Lord Wolf. Lord Wolf was enamored with her as a young adult and now that he is done doing the kings bidding he wants a family and an heir. That is pretty much the story all the way through. These two trying to come to terms and find their pleasure. I say that due to at least 70% of the book is them screwing. Over and Over. At first I thought something more of the relationship would surface. Eloise is a whiney woman who is written out to sound like a teenager. Her sister is of the age to marry around 18… so she has to be older yet she sounds like a teenage girl uncertain about having sex and I don’t feel that she is ever comfortable in her sexuality. Eloise has this strong passionate calling to her husband but plays coy and wanton at the same time. It was the same thing page after page. Should we have sex? Her body is on fire for him but she is ashamed. Lord Wolf seems like a dick but really he is acting in her best interest!? Confusion. Repetitive. I understand that this is just my opinion but by the gods I would like that time back. I held out thinking some books have a rough start and a smooth finish. Nope. Then the snippet of what is to come, the story of her sister and I felt as though here we go again. The same storyline the same character yet the names have changed. This review is not meant to be harsh I received this ARC for an honest review. I felt it lacked creativity and depth.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Stolen Fate (The Mythean Arcana, #4)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Imagine if you failed your fate and to make matters worse your future is insanity.
Talk about pressure, well that is exactly what happened to Fiona. Several fates predicted she alone would find the Book of Worlds. This Book is a magical pact that safe guards people of Earth from malicious gods. Something like a treaty. Only problem being after 10 years of futile searching she is empty handed! Now she is terrified to end up much like her father since he too was a Failte, One who failed their fate. Now everything rides on Ian MacKenzie. First stop Immortal Prison for Magical Deviants to bust said long shot out of prison.
Ian has been in a hellish prison for 100 years. His days consist of brutal and backbreaking labor followed by a lonesome nights in too close of quarters. He was startled to say the least when Fiona proposed this half crazed idea in breaking into a mortal Museum and stealing back this book. So it begins the cat and mouse game. But the rules get blurry when embers of like smolder into love. Ian would do and say anything to escape and Fiona needs this too bad to be concerned.
I was initially drawn to this book for the same reason I have read the other Linsey Hall books. I just love the way she articulates. She has a lyrical descriptive edge to her writing that forces me to read more of her books. Well played. Each book even though they are in the same series is dynamic in their own rite. Sure you see cameos of past characters but other than that she is a deep well of creativity and it shows in the uniqueness of each book.
Ian and Fiona have this desperation that is fueling them. They have a tragic need to help each other and at first you think well if that is the foundation so be it. Their situation is not as Black and White as it may seem. Lines get crossed, feelings get in the way and all of a sudden the self-sacrifices’ made are ones from the heart. Did I mention that these Mythean books are also some of the sweetest hottest reads I have read this year? I do like the tie me up type of adult books, yet the message is clearly laid down here just in the most divinely way possible. The sex is like a decadent chocolate you cannot have just one….NO they all must be sampled!
So pick up the book and prepare to have your days stolen away.
I received this book for an honest review!! I loved IT!!
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Lover, Divine (Mythos: Gods & Lovers #1)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Love is about accepting one another, trusting that each will act out of love and having faith that whatever will be will be.
What if you were in love with a God? What if he loves you and can give you now but not forever?
Your heart wants what it wants.
Siobhan and Apollo's story is really complex I felt as if they would have forever, yet he is a God and she is not. He is always honest yet I felt she gives all of herself and he can only give so much. The book was poetic and very sensual. Yet there was a sad undertone. To me at least.This will not inhibit me from reading the rest of the series, it actually intrigues me. Makes the story more... in a way. I found the writing and the plot to be well developed. The romance was define and tasteful. I enjoyed A.Star's book and look forward to reading more from this author.
I received this for an Honest review.
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Monday, May 4, 2015
Rogue Soul (The Mythean Arcana, #3)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Linsey Hall's Mythean Arcana series has officially filled my book void.
I stumbled upon Lindsey Hall last month. Having read the first in this series I was compelled to follow up! Good Stuff right here!!
Lets just say that when loves excruciating caress does find you the future that unfolds just maybe less happy ever after and more...regret?
Rogue Soul is a rollercoaster of a read. With stolen fates and Gods on the run. you could not ask for a more eventful book.
Andrasta's story is one of death and renewal. 2 thousand years after she haphazardly switched places with Camulos in order to take his place as a Celtic god she wants a refund! Life as a Celtic god is unfeeling and Andrasta didn't know feelings would be something she would miss until it was too late. She just needed another skilled archer to take her place and she can live the good life on Earth.
Camulos the freed Celtic god shot down by Andrasta's aim, was living quite the dream in the amazon. He would be the perfect replacement for her! Little did she know she wasn't seeing the picture quite as clear. Andrasta had no idea that other Celtic gods played important roles in pushing Camulos out and they don't want him back.
Their journey is one of old and new. I loved the back story of Camulos and Andrasta the way back story... (wink) you'll know it when you get there. The fact that they have been dancing around one another for longer than Andrasta's lifetime was a fantastic spin I didn't see coming. The way Linsey Hall built this story up was just a work of art. With this story comes a spark of love that changes the Gods twice... First without knowledge then again with purpose.
I received this for an honest review
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Claiming His Mate (Crescent Moon, #2)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Picking up this book was no hardship especially since I read Tempting His Mate..So this being said and the fact the Alpha Werewolf stories really do it for me this book was hard to put down!
If you are like me and love the animalistic behavior of a man that only a woman can surface then you will be thrilled by this book!
Max McCray's wolf has been strung-out and feisty and maybe a tad bit horny ever since he encountered Lauren 6 months ago. Lauren Hayes happens to be a sexy jaguar and equally putout since meeting Max...this unexplainable restlessness has her inner cat surfacing. Now put these two in a situation that involves breaking and entering some stolen jewelry then sit back and watch the shit hit the fan...lol
With sex on the mind and nothing but time these two are destine for some rough and tumble. I enjoyed the twists and turns that sprouted throughout the book. Just when I thought I have read it all then the Crazy surfaces (you'll see) and I thought what a great spin!!! Which is yet another great example of why you should read this book.
I received this for an honest review!
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Thursday, March 12, 2015
Delirium (Reveler, #6)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
#6 in the Reveler series picks up with our favorite man in a duster Harlen.
Harlen and Sera are balancing their affiliation with Chimera and their friendships with the rouge Revelers. You need operatives on the inside of Chimera to help ferret out the Oneiros hiding with in the system.
In this segment of the journey you see how far the Oneiros are willing to go. What the risks are being on the good side and without a doubt the loyalty shown between the Revelers on the run. As usual you have some heated passion. The love and devotion Harlen and Sera have is so pure I cringed every time I thought their number was up... I was like oh shit please don't let anything happen to either of them. The suspense in this book eats at you...you have no idea who the enemy is.
As this story comes to an end you get more info on how deadly a threat the sandman will be and more important the wait is over.... almost!
I personally love the build up and cliffhangers in each book. The series seems to be unfolding quickly each book rapidly follows the other and I wouldn't have the structure any other way.
I think the unique way the story picks up with a different couple and their trials and tribulations is a fun exciting way to get so much more for your $$ when it comes to series and books. The creative wholeness this series represents makes me feel like the author knew right where she wanted to take us and the ride has been a desirable one. Each book is crafted to perfection with rounded characters that are all different yet have qualities in common that you would want any hero to have: Determination.
This book was gifted in return for an honest review.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Flight from Hell (Otherworld #15.5)

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Like other likeminded paranormal book lovers who doesn’t enjoy a D’Artigo sisters book?
Flight from Hell is a novella about Shimmer an outcast Blue Dragon that is sent to Earth as a punishment. With no powers to defend herself she soon falls prey to an elusive vampire (a upcoming enemy to the sisters if you ask me). Menolly is on the hunt for the vampire siring all the wreck loose vampire that are leaving a trail of blood in their wake, when she is asked to look in on Shimmer as a favor. This is when the shit really hits the fan.
First there seems to be an uncharted vampire taking up residence in Seattle. Alex Radcliffe, funny he runs in similar circles as the D’Artigo sisters, they know a lot of the same allies. I have a feeling he will be of great use in the future books. Working together the sisters and Alex pinpoint their nemesis.
I have loved these books in the past I found this one to be extremely descriptive. Like pages for the back drop and pages about the park and pages about how they all run in similar circles. Yet Shimmer doesn’t show up again until around 70% percent of the book has been read. That was what brought the stars down for me. It was all searching and chatting and then a brief moment of action followed by more question building for the next book. I hoped this was a standalone novella I was left unfulfilled. The good thing is if you have read this short story you can use it as an introduction to these new players in the D’Artigo sister’s books.
I received this for an honest review~
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Monday, January 26, 2015
Unseen (Unborn, #2)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Unseen the second book following up after Unborn where Khara the only surviving female child of Ares decides that the only answers she is going to get are waiting for her in Hell. Where is her mother? How did she fall? Why was she given up? How convenient The Dark One Oz is willing to transport her there for a price of course. Yet after his last deception who knows what Oz’s agenda has in store. One thing for sure is after finishing the book I am no closer to that answer….lol
Amber Lynn Natusch has this poetic rhythm ever present in these two books. This dark steady wordplay, that is a bonus as far as I am concerned. Not sure if it is just for Khara’s character (since I have only read these two books). I love the simplistic yet directness that is Khara. Her unwavering black and white world is forever shattered now that she “feels”. I personally think Unseen was the perfect title for this book. (So much is Unseen) Feelings are a tricking thing to live with if you ask me…a solution may be present and can make sense yet if you feel against it your judgment may sway. Basically Khara seemed cold (yet curious) in the first book but had this steadfast attitude, she was very confident. In Unseen there is sooo much going on that it is hard to see the enemy. All these emotions Khara has, her new self is questioning and motivated by her love and this new heart ache that has taken up in her chest since she stole away from her brothers.
Love is blindness.
It can and will change the way you see people.
Khara is a force unlike anything imaginable when it comes to protecting her family. Her actions speak of this clearly; I only hope it was worth the consequences. . This blindness was calculating and patient much like love. Also it totally bit her in the ass.
The Oz and Khara relationship is still a battle of wits an even though Oz has proven (in my eyes) where his heart and loyalty lies I can see why she is so cautious. One thing is for certain he has shown that he will be a safe harbor for her fall in. Also when he does claim her OMG it will be a thing of beauty. The chemistry and attraction that is building between these two can only lead to a crescendo of fireworks.
Sad to say there is no hanky panky in this book…sniffles. I do have a feeling it will be worth the wait! What the book lacks in actual sex it makes up for with intrigue and desire. Still a win! Nail biting anticipation for the next book. Things I have to know, like the necromancer was she in on it? WTH is up with Deimos and Hades. Will Drew get his head on straight? Damn it will Oz kiss the girl already…?!So much to come and so many days to wait.
I received this for an honest review. I can honestly say this series is more than meets the eye! Love it!
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Thursday, January 22, 2015
Claimed by Earth (The Watchtower Chronicles, #2)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Several things drew me in to read the book Claimed By Earth: The Watchtower Chronicles 2…First it is a paranormal book about witches Second it was under Erotica…wink~ Third I was totally ensnared by the cover and excerpt .
I came to an amazing reality whilst I read this book, there has to be hundreds of amazing authors out there. I know it sounds quite weird but I always play it safe with books. I grab the author I know when needing a fix. Yet I know nothing of Delwyn Jenkins and this is the first I have sampled from her and it was another book that left me in awe.
This world Between Worlds were magic is used and wielded and cherished almost as much as the Watchtower Knights cherish their Quatre. Dahnan Witches not only cast according to their element they bond as sisters making a Quatre. These 4 elemental witches are revered and adored by their cohort of dutiful Watchtower Knights. Coming together to fight against an old evil hell bent on using the Dahnan witches magic to take over the World Below. Malleus filled with a vile dark blood magic has to double his efforts since coming into contact with Mycah the first Earth witch to ever use her magic to cause harm. Everything has a consequence.
Dahnan’s cardinal rule: Do what ye will, but harm ye none. (Like ever even if your life depended on it.)
Being an unconventional witch like Mycah is nothing will stop her from keeping her loved ones safe. Mycah..love that name is the heroine in this book a strong woman that speaks not just for herself and her loved ones but she makes a stand for the voiceless too. All these element welding ladies study and hone in their skill at the Collegium. Pretty much a magic college…that’s right you guessed it. Again the clarity in which this world is constructed shines through.
Sabastian is a Watchtower Knight that has every intention of making Mycah his in every delicious way possible… no really it's all here in black and white. The story has a phenomenal build up that spills into the budding relationship between Bas and Mycah. Then it shifts from a great paranormal book to a paranormal erotic dream. One that makes you crave the one you love the most and then haphazardly tear their clothes off. The sex was divinely written and scorching white hot. I adored every moment and beautiful detail!
The love and devotion that shown through went beyond Bas and Mycah, the secondary characters had an old school “ I have your back attitude” one you rarely see now a days. The support makes them strong enough to face the darkest days. And I assure you as much light in this book there was an equivalent darkness trying to snuff it out. That careful balance tiered on such a delicate edge, I love an author who gives and takes. You have to have sacrifices in every great book! Not all make it to the end, not everybody gets a happy ending. This makes the outcome extremely hard to guess. SCORE!
Also seeing this is the second book it can totally be read all by its lonesome. I found this book so well scripted and I will read more of this author and also start to read out of my comfort zone. I would hate to miss out just because I have never had the pleasure before. 5 star read! Hands Down!!!
I received this for an honest review~
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Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Christmas Brides

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I happen to need a fantastic Historical Romance in my life from time to time~
Now throw (4) together in one book, sign me up!!!
These four installments that made up Christmas Brides (I know I’m a tiny bit late) were down right fantastic! They had the completeness of a book all the way around~
The common part for each short was the Christmas setting and the fact that I found each author to be STUPENDOUS! I read a lot I might add and I don’t think I have even tasted the magic each has had to offer in Historical Romance! FOR SHAME I tell you! I am dumbfounded that these treasures are just there waiting for me to open them up and devour them… Very soon my pretties.
Sigh, I adored this anthology, I am quite sad that it has ended. Each part was wonderful and saturated with historical grandness and romance. One moment I am sure that the book could not get any better, but it does! It really does.. Thumbing from page to page I was laughing and giggling then fanning myself accordingly!
If by any chance you love I mean love Historical Romance or let’s say to are looking to fall in love with a good book or (4) authors this is the Book for you! I swear it.
If you are looking at this book or review stop what you are doing and just read it.
I received this ARC for an Honest review, I am honestly sad I read it so quickly~
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Monday, January 19, 2015
Rocky Mountain Miracle

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Being a fan of Christine Feehan’s shifter series and enjoying how well equipped the worlds she creates is … I was really drawn to Rocky Mountain Miracle… I mean can’t we all use one, a miracle that is?
Scars are a funny thing they can be obvious or obscure. This Holiday Novella that inspires hope was such a luxurious read for the senses. I found myself just as anxious to figure out the mysterious perpetrator as to when the Doc. would finally give Cole the sexual healing he needed….lol
Each of their encounters had a heightened energy infused into the page, you could almost feel it. Maia’s healing nature is triggered by Cole. She can sense the damage that is deeply buried and camouflaged by his steel will and sexy demeanor. Cole is enraptured by Maia’s soul soothing capabilities. This really kept the balance in the book. I find that I am really attracted to books where love is a new found territory for both parties. Kinda like a very sexy dance…where each partner gracefully flows in time with the other. The fear of showing your soft under belly to another person, fear of waiting for a stab rather that a stroke is what really hinders relationships. So the whole time I was reading in the back of my mind I was hoping the sexual need pouring off these two would out way the fear. Amen, because when it happens it happens.
Cole’s role is the Alpha dominate male protecting his brother and trying to overcome the nightmares of his past in hopes to show his brother moving on is a real possibility. If anyone could inspire a shot at a loving happy life it’s Maia. Even the wild animals feel safe and trusting with her. The back story for Jase and Cole is a sad reality that some people actually do go through. This story sheds light (I think) on honest struggles people could have. The book goes full circle and really warms the soul and the senses.
The heat level for the book is steamy and imaginative…lol By that I mean Not crazy erotica going on but it is superb.
I received this for an honest review, and It honestly was terrific~
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