Friday, September 18, 2015

What am I Gifted at?? 9/18/2015

Gifted by definition: is having exceptional talent or natural ability. Up to now I really never put much effort in thinking about something I am exceptional at.  After careful consideration I have decided on a couple things that do come extremely natural to me.

I Olivia W. Trujillo am gifted at creativity, I am drawn like a moth to a flame at anything crafty. When I see some art or necklace or crafty idea my first reaction is "Oh I can do that".  I love making and tinkering and pouring creativity to a task, it gives me great satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.

So as I think about being good at something I am also gifted with honesty, or being truthful. I find most people really don't want your "real opinion" they just want to you tell them what they are trying to hear. Since starting my yatra with yoga training I have been thinking what is truth? I mean somethings do depend on perception. But as for myself I feel good about not Lying to others or myself. So maybe that is my honesty. I try to lead my life in a fashion to be open to others thoughts and taste them for myself, I actually love talking to people that have extremely different views than myself (to a degree) just to push past my own thoughts and ideas and to try on others views.  In the gift of honesty I do also try to own my own shit: meaning when I am wrong I admit it, to myself and others.

Following through is another attribute I think could be a gift. When I start something I have a  need to see it to the end. This also rings true when I give another my word. If say I am going to do something it will get done. While I type this I am starting to see why Catherine gave this assignment to us. These gifts I have been given have had no light shed on them until now. I spend way too much time pouring energy into the wrong things like doubt & fear.

I could also say that another gift would be the ability to preserver. Reminiscing of last year when I had an ectopic pregnancy the feeling of brokenness and the scar that throbbed as a reminder seemed to always be present. Today talking about it still brings me to tears. But, and there is a but I feel that the scar has been a reminder of : (love this quote and I believe it to be true for me at least)

“My scars tell a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded.” Steve Maraboli~

Crazy as I keep delving in to the ideas of "gifts" each one I throw down on the page brings me to the idea that I am more than I ever considered. That as I take the time to reflect on "ME" I have so much inside.

I am also a lover, a lover of all things people, animals, quotes, books and too many other things to write. Loving comes easy the giving of myself warms and helps to weld my cracks together. And Lord do I feel like I have some deep grooves in my being that need it. I think I have enough cracks left for the light to enter. (wink)

"The wound is where the light enters" Rumi ~

With is quote maybe I need less and more love and light to shine into those dark places in my mind and heart.  I find that being vulnerable has awakened a different version of me. One that has to reflect on what is really going on inside. Funny when I have been most open with another my direct reaction afterward was "oh shit" is there a retract button. What if they see me the real me and I am lacking.  But if I am being honest, being vulnerable and sharing is just connecting with another person and myself.


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