My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I picked up the very first book in the Mythean Arcana series on pure chance, now I an anxiously waiting for the next fix like a junky. Each in its own right can be a standalone that's how easily you get swept up into the Mythean world. This series is quickly becoming an all time fav. for me. Each book highlights another love swept couple and the unique struggles that they'll face, much like any romance. Yet the game changer here is the well developed world of Mythean's, God's and Immortals each having different struggles and abilities along with the complexity of love...pure magic!
Loki and Sigyn's story is one of growth, self sacrifice and owning your shit, all the good bad and in between. After hundreds of years and new identities these two still harbor baggage and not the Louis Vuitton kind.
Loki the deceiver what wouldn't he do to out strategize his fate? All this maneuvering has brought him full circle with life. Once again in the vicinity of the only other person with whom he felt a connection with and happens to be the same person he renounced, Sigyn.
Sigyn harbors a lifetime (maybe several lifetimes) of anger and hurt. Just imagine how that can fester. She gave up being a God for the love of a controlling manipulative Ass. She doesn't even realize how pissed off she still is until he shows up bleeding in her home. Right away he needs something and has all this I'm Sorry shit but, she is trying to live for her and her alone. After being blackballed by the other Gods for her association with Loki, she is a remade woman. With a new name and loving community she adores...that is until she hears from said Controlling manipulator that her sanctuary and all she holds dear has a triple threat with nefarious intentions!Loki isn't a total lost cause, he not only sacrifices all he is to save the woman he loves he also risks it all for the Gods that condemned him. Their quest is crazy and in the tribulations they find the courage to forgive and heal. Oh Yeah~
Don't get me wrong there is a ton that I didn't mention because you need to read the book, this one much like the others in the series is scorching in the bedroom! So thought out and lecherous in the most appealing way ever. I feel the heat was definitely turned up in this one. No Complaints here the build up and Climax were exquisite~
I find this series so thorough and unique from the thought concept of the plot to how gripping the characters are. Every book offers up diversity and passion not only the sexually charged kind either. The passion for living and acceptance, nothing is more rewarding than really connecting to a writer's work. Empathizing with the traits and thought process of the personalities to which you are reading about. That connection is the addiction, who hasn't been burned in life? Who doesn't like a comeback? A second chance? Isn't that the allure of a truly great read?
Well then pick up the book and give it a go!!
I received this book for an honest review, it was exceptional!!
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