My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Reveler #1 was the Matrix reborn/remade in a paranormal book!
Reve: A Dream world where for the right price you can play out any fantasy you can dream up! It's the latest addiction not for the body but for the soul. Remember to use caution because where dreams exists so do nightmares!
Rook: working for Chimera to keep the Reve somewhat safe. He is a master in this field that is until he meets Jordan. Using his unique ability to track Jordan when she falls asleep comes easy, keeping his nightmares from following him and hurting her not so much. Rook is a beautiful honest man, shouldering mistakes made as a kid. The best part about him and Jordan coming together is when she faces his ugly past, instead of cringing or shutting him out she puts her big-girl-panties on and handles that shit!
Love that girl~
Jordan: Thinks she is doing her sister a sold, Maze just turned 21 and is all pumped up the try this Reve thing everyone is crazy about. Unknowingly, colliding head first in to a shit storm of trouble her sister has been dealing in for God knows how long. Jordan's first time in the Reve has unlocked some next level characteristics that will hopefully help keep her alive. But being a rare commodity has its price, others want her talents as well, and they don’t come in a sexually appealing package like Rook~
The smoldering chemistry Rook and Jordan have is too hot to handle. Lord I needed a tall cold beer after this book! The snarky and funny humor Jordan dishes out when dealing with stressful situations touches a place in rook he didn’t know existed.
This was serious. She was becoming something to him so quickly, like a second nature he hadn't know existed. Yeah, she could live here. She sure as hell wasn't living anywhere else. She was his. He was keeping her. He'd waited so long to feel like this. Easy. Happy. Relaxed.
Revelers series is going to open up your waking reality and have you daydreaming about the next book!
Like the other books I have Read By Erin Kellison, your creative juices will be flowing with all the possibilities for what is to come. Do not miss out on this series!!
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