My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I received this for an honest review~
Long after the fires burn out and speculation is running high Landry has all the time in the world to question every action that lead to him being in jail. Better yet being prosecuted for the murder of Ms. Jasmine, Mala’s mother. How can she ever love or trust him now?
“You wouldn’t let me help her. Mama died because of you!” “I hate you , Landry!”
Famous last words from Mala at the end of the first book, funny how death really helps put things in perspective and I don’t mean Ms. Jasmine’s.
While Landry is pensive in jail Malaise LaCroix is in no better shape herself! Trying to keep her cool in the Psychiatric ward of the hospital, counting the days till she can be released. She is so filled with grief after what happen to her mother, her only comfort at the moment is her long-time heart throb George coming to visit her. Only too late does she realize his intentions were only a band aid to the real problems afoot. Truth is being locked up hasn’t kept her from roaming , astral projection has given her freedom to do as she likes. It seems watching over Landry Prince in jail is what she has a taste for.
“The scent of orchids overpowers the stench of Caleb, and I draw in a deep breath. My muscles relax, and the ache behind me eye drains like water trickling down a drain.
She’s here.”
“A tiny piece of me hopes the reason Mala comes to me every night isn’t to plot her revenge but ‘cause she still cares”
Both excited to have real freedom yet taken back by all the threats lingering unseen.
Acker man is back an full to the brim with rage is he, fueling his spirit making it a formidable foe. Plus a mysterious 4th man on the loose trying to bury loose ends from Ms. Jasmine’s murder. Gets even better when Aunt Magnolia comes to collect payment for the dealings at the crossroads, Mala is somewhat dragging her feet about the whole apprentice-hoodoo -magic-blood-oath-sacrifice-thing.
“Come with me and I’ll teach you all my tricks.” “You, the last LaCriox”
But really what’s a girl to do? Only thing to sweeten the pot is Landry, his near death experience has enhanced his ghost radar therefore now he is also on Magnolia’s must have list. Something darker is deep within him, and his very soul is on the line. Will going to New Orleans help surface answers Mala and Landry both desperately need?
Hopefully Mala and Landry can take Ruby’s advice, about them staying together to face all these obstacles.
“Don’t you get it? I’m evil, Landry.”
“Baby, I’ve got a demon sipping at my soul like it’s a bottle of chardonnay. If anyone’s evil, it’s me.”
I thought this book would quench my thirst for the comings and goings of Paradise Pointe, man I was so wrong. You know the saying out of the furnace and into the fire; yeah that pretty much sums it up. Angie Sandro‘s panache for making you feel like you got all the answers, only to realize you have new questions. Loads of them. The weaving of words on each page work like magic until you’re so fixated on what’s going to happen next ,you find yourself burning through the pages one after another until they are gone. The book was so exciting so many things unfold and the ending was spectacular! Malaise LaCroix is a beautifully written heroine in these books, she has a rawness about her that makes her seem vulnerable but she builds strength in each situation and a determined resolve over comes her taking quitting out of the equation.
I find these are books you have to read, you’ll see!
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