My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Siena who is quickly coming of age to be a Bearer/ Breeder. At 16 no less. You are just following her thoughts on growing up what is expected of her in life and what she never realized she always wanted. Finding out who she really is. The story line is quite captivating! Your heart breaks for her on so many levels. But out of the ashes she becomes a stronger sure footed young woman. The growth she under goes is great to bare witness too.
I am absolutely wooloo over this latest book by David Estes!!
He just pours on the creativity and his vast imagination grabs a hold of you! This series is a sister series to the Dweller Saga. Pretty much the people who were left above ground.
The world he created has no equal. The people the lingo and slang all of it so thorough. He has an ability to make his characters ones you can't stop reading about. I find my self hanging on his every word. Waiting to see what trials are headed there way.
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