What am I Gifted at?? 9/18/2015
Gifted by definition: is having exceptional talent or natural ability. Up to now I really never put much effort in thinking about something I am exceptional at. After careful consideration I have decided on a couple things that do come extremely natural to me.
I Olivia W. Trujillo am gifted at creativity, I am drawn like a moth to a flame at anything crafty. When I see some art or necklace or crafty idea my first reaction is "Oh I can do that". I love making and tinkering and pouring creativity to a task, it gives me great satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.
So as I think about being good at something I am also gifted with honesty, or being truthful. I find most people really don't want your "real opinion" they just want to you tell them what they are trying to hear. Since starting my yatra with yoga training I have been thinking what is truth? I mean somethings do depend on perception. But as for myself I feel good about not Lying to others or myself. So maybe that is my honesty. I try to lead my life in a fashion to be open to others thoughts and taste them for myself, I actually love talking to people that have extremely different views than myself (to a degree) just to push past my own thoughts and ideas and to try on others views. In the gift of honesty I do also try to own my own shit: meaning when I am wrong I admit it, to myself and others.
Following through is another attribute I think could be a gift. When I start something I have a need to see it to the end. This also rings true when I give another my word. If say I am going to do something it will get done. While I type this I am starting to see why Catherine gave this assignment to us. These gifts I have been given have had no light shed on them until now. I spend way too much time pouring energy into the wrong things like doubt & fear.
I could also say that another gift would be the ability to preserver. Reminiscing of last year when I had an ectopic pregnancy the feeling of brokenness and the scar that throbbed as a reminder seemed to always be present. Today talking about it still brings me to tears. But, and there is a but I feel that the scar has been a reminder of : (love this quote and I believe it to be true for me at least)
“My scars tell a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded.” Steve Maraboli~
Crazy as I keep delving in to the ideas of "gifts" each one I throw down on the page brings me to the idea that I am more than I ever considered. That as I take the time to reflect on "ME" I have so much inside.
I am also a lover, a lover of all things people, animals, quotes, books and too many other things to write. Loving comes easy the giving of myself warms and helps to weld my cracks together. And Lord do I feel like I have some deep grooves in my being that need it. I think I have enough cracks left for the light to enter. (wink)
"The wound is where the light enters" Rumi ~
With is quote maybe I need less welding...lol and more love and light to shine into those dark places in my mind and heart. I find that being vulnerable has awakened a different version of me. One that has to reflect on what is really going on inside. Funny when I have been most open with another my direct reaction afterward was "oh shit" is there a retract button. What if they see me the real me and I am lacking. But if I am being honest, being vulnerable and sharing is just connecting with another person and myself.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Most recently I had this crazy thought about love.
I currently am about to start my training to be a Yoga Instructor, and on the way to the studio I wanted reassurance from my man that I could do this. That I was good enough. When I was about to leave I stalled just waiting there, holding out for him to say "you're going to be great". That didn't happen. But he did kiss me and tell me he loved me. My thought was in the I love you I was given is it the same as you're going to be great. Does "I Love You" cover it all?
This brought me way back to a conversation I had with a dear friend. She was upset due to her boyfriend never complimented her. I told her if he never says " you're beautiful" does it make it any less so. This brings me to the idea that I was wanting reassurance for a choice I know was right for me but having another agree would what? Make it better? Give ME more confidence? So in the spirit of self acceptance I reassured myself, with you know you're good enough. You have the passion and the drive not to mention the timing is so spot on. Go for it! You can do it!
Not to mention I do believe that the "I love you said it all". It told me that he sees me accepts me and my choices. Now I need to stop depending on others thoughts and go with my gut!
Keir (Redemption #1)

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
In the quest for the next Sci-Fi book I stumbled across Keir. I received this ARC for an Honest review~
Quinn has been traveling through time and space on a quest to find Rulk. The one being that essentially took everything from her without a second glance. Upon her journey she crossed paths with Keir. Keir, segrogated and banished from all around him do to his Blue skin coloring he was deemed a demon. Their story is one of emotional growth and love.
I actually found this book hard to focus on. When the plot thickened and a secondary story was churning in the background I was confused. I went back and read..lol I also found the names to be hard to pronounce. This may seem odd for some but I do enjoy understanding a character by being able to pronounce their name. Quinn was really hard to empathize with she was kinda flighty and all over the place. I understood what she went through and what made her tick but I didn't connect with her on the page. What also was a downer for me was the way the writing switched to depict who was talking. Quinn's speech was written like a normal person would talk, whereas Keir when voicing his mind on the page was portrayed as one who spoke like he just learned each word, very proper for someone who grew up hiding from society. The book was slow and I really didn't feel like the pace picked up even during the action. I can only imagine the story line will grow with the next book.
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Thursday, September 10, 2015
Dark Redemption (Dark Paradise #3)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have read the two prior books before Dark Redemption and my one true regret is I waited so long to read this last book!! This series is gritty and raw it is packed full of emotion and some crazy life or death situations. Think Paranormal murder mystery in the Bayou.
Dark Redemption is just that a dark journey Mala and Landry go through for redemption. Their Journey is not just dark but the trials they face test the very essence of their souls. Deep Right?! Angie Sandro pours life into her characters you feel like you know them and their family. The Louisiana country living is well depicted and easy to visualize. By the books end I felt as if I watched an amazing movie..lol
Mala and Landry are trying to pick up the shattered remnants of their lives. Dee is in a coma. The Acker boys have no family besides Mala, Landry and his dad are helping where they can. In most cases family issues are the main thing to worry about not so much here you have a killer taking young teens and mutilating them not to mention Magnolia, Mala's Voodoo Queen aunt has her own agenda.
The last couple chapters were a game changer. I was totally blindsided by the nefarious change in events. Kids being brutally murdered, demon/ non-demon like possession for several people and flesh eating butterflies (loved that part). I found the writing magical A.S. can describe things in such a way that you feel like you totally see where her mind is at and what she is giving you. All this without pages of overly written descriptive unnecessary words. Her words are carefully constructed and welded in such a fashion that you can't help but enjoy.
Each character really brings something to the table, they are all well developed and when you assemble them as she does you can't help but applaud. Mala really grew in this series you watch her gain confidence and mature it was beautiful I loved her in these books. When the book ends so does the series you get complete closure at least for Mala and Landry~
I would recommend reading them all in order. You'll see after you pick up the first one Dark Paradise this isn't a chore your doing yourself a favor.
I received this for an honest review.
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