My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The truth about Leo is the 4th installment in the Noble series, this being the first I have read in this series I would say it can totally be read as a standalone. But after you read this one you’ll probably smash through the others. I found this book to be one of the best Historical Romances I have read, it embodies everything you can want: Humor, Historical setting, Love, Deception and Romance.
Dagmar Marie Sophie is a princess who also happens to be down on her luck with both parents gone and the impending eviction from the only house she knows, where to go that is the question? Dagmar is doing extremely unladylike things to keep food on her table but her ideas get even more questionable when it comes to gaining passage to England. This witty Danish royalty will do whatever it takes to stay out of the convent her boorish cousin intends to send her to. So when a solider of sorts is unconscious and looks like death might take him, she sees opportunity… Marry the man! If he dies you get safe passage, if he lives you get safe passage and a husband to later divorce. Seems reasonable!
Or just hold him hostage? A Lady must have options~
“It’s this or harlotry, Julia. I cannot go to the French convent. I’m not at all the sort of person who would thrive in such a strict environment, and if you had any love for me, any love at all, you would help me ransom that hurt man!”
Leopold Ernst George Mortimer is a spy for the king; his memory is a little foggy after the kitten rescue. One would think getting married would be a memorable thing, upon awakening aboard a ship heading to England with a wife no less! His situation gets even more peculiar when he realizes he wants Dagmar, even if her companion is accused of murder.
“I am a virgin. Would you mind sucking on my other breast? It is out of sorts because you’ve paid so much attention to the right one.” Dagmar~
“ I want to consummate you as you’ve never been consummated, and the continue consummating you until one or possibly both of us expire from sheer, unadulterated pleasure, but that, my fine temptress, is not going to happen until I have made a few decisions. And to that end, let us continue the discussion we were having when you attempted to seduce me by means of your delicious breast”. Leo~
Another Favorite moment~
“ I am gentle,” she said pinching his arm. And innocent! Most definitely not a harlot.” Dagmar~
“And yet just a few minutes ago you were sitting on my lap, playing with my penis and trying to suck the tongue out of my head.” Leo~
“That’s because we’re married.” ~Dagmar
I am in awe of how wonderful this book truly was. I have a large portion highlighted. The comical way Dagmar handles all situations is a thing of beauty. Katie MacAlister has a magical way of thinking, the way she writes is unique to say the very least. The Harpy part was so funny I didn’t think it could get any better than that and then it did.
Quick witty writing even in the most sensually compromising positions, I was unsure whether to fan myself or laugh! Well done indeed~
I received this for an honest review~
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