My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Kerrigan Byrne has to be one of my all time top favorite authors. She has a knack for blending the fiercest alpha males with their equally feminine counterpart. I have read almost everyone of her books and swooned accordingly.
Dougan and Farah's story will sweep you up like a tornado. It gives and gives and gives all these complex situations and furiously I read on. I have a large portion of this book highlighted due to the carefully constructed passages that were breathtakingly poetic and moving!
Their bond started while both were young and in an orphanage. Young love is the purest kind. To have that love and acceptance was something foreign to Dougan. One taste of love and Dougan was hooked. The orphanage was where they came together and it was also what forced them apart.
Fates cold caress never left Dougan he was imprisoned at a very young age and suffered what no human should. Every kind of abuse imaginable was forced upon him and Dougan perished while in prison. Through the darkness the Blackheart of Ben More emerged (Dorian) demolishing Dougan's enemies in his wake. While incarcerated a gang of boys formed an alliance and together nothing could stop them. They remembered all the memories Dougan shared of his Fairy and those cherished moments helped them all face the shadows.
Farah leads a bluestocking life as a clerk in a police department. The startling and curious response she had when encountering the Blackheart alarmed her to no end. This chance occurrence lead her truly down a rabbit hole, for everything she knew was about to be turned upside down.
This book was one of the best historical romance I have ever read, it's like all Kerrigan's books lead to this new series. OMG I cannot wait for the next installment. It grips you much like the Maiden Lane series be Elizabeth Hoyt. If you enjoyed her writing you will without a doubt ADORE this book!! The writing is smooth and fluent. Some parts were so poetic that I had to reread them over and over. The love , strength and endurance her characters go through is astonishing. They preserver but sometimes when you have been drowned and submerged in the darkest moments of your life you are forever tainted and even though you made it through part of you can be lost. Good thing I believe in Fairy's.
I was overwhelmed with emotion and hope while reading this. Holding my breath with every encounter Farah had with Dorian Blackwell. The intensity at which he needed to possesses her body and soul makes you yearn for that kind of adoration. The moments when he did take her were exquisite delicious. When they were intimately engrossed with each other these moments they are small works of art the heat and passion is molten. Carefully written and constructed vividly descriptive and leaves you quivering.
I received this for an Honest review. I honestly think you should read this book and ALL the other books this women writes!!
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