Claimed by Earth by
Delwyn Jenkins
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Several things drew me in to read the book Claimed By Earth: The Watchtower Chronicles 2…First it is a paranormal book about witches Second it was under Erotica…wink~ Third I was totally ensnared by the cover and excerpt .
I came to an amazing reality whilst I read this book, there has to be hundreds of amazing authors out there. I know it sounds quite weird but I always play it safe with books. I grab the author I know when needing a fix. Yet I know nothing of Delwyn Jenkins and this is the first I have sampled from her and it was another book that left me in awe.
This world Between Worlds were magic is used and wielded and cherished almost as much as the Watchtower Knights cherish their Quatre. Dahnan Witches not only cast according to their element they bond as sisters making a Quatre. These 4 elemental witches are revered and adored by their cohort of dutiful Watchtower Knights. Coming together to fight against an old evil hell bent on using the Dahnan witches magic to take over the World Below. Malleus filled with a vile dark blood magic has to double his efforts since coming into contact with Mycah the first Earth witch to ever use her magic to cause harm. Everything has a consequence.
Dahnan’s cardinal rule: Do what ye will, but harm ye none. (Like ever even if your life depended on it.)
Being an unconventional witch like Mycah is nothing will stop her from keeping her loved ones safe. that name is the heroine in this book a strong woman that speaks not just for herself and her loved ones but she makes a stand for the voiceless too. All these element welding ladies study and hone in their skill at the Collegium. Pretty much a magic college…that’s right you guessed it. Again the clarity in which this world is constructed shines through.
Sabastian is a Watchtower Knight that has every intention of making Mycah his in every delicious way possible… no really it's all here in black and white. The story has a phenomenal build up that spills into the budding relationship between Bas and Mycah. Then it shifts from a great paranormal book to a paranormal erotic dream. One that makes you crave the one you love the most and then haphazardly tear their clothes off. The sex was divinely written and scorching white hot. I adored every moment and beautiful detail!
The love and devotion that shown through went beyond Bas and Mycah, the secondary characters had an old school “ I have your back attitude” one you rarely see now a days. The support makes them strong enough to face the darkest days. And I assure you as much light in this book there was an equivalent darkness trying to snuff it out. That careful balance tiered on such a delicate edge, I love an author who gives and takes. You have to have sacrifices in every great book! Not all make it to the end, not everybody gets a happy ending. This makes the outcome extremely hard to guess. SCORE!
Also seeing this is the second book it can totally be read all by its lonesome. I found this book so well scripted and I will read more of this author and also start to read out of my comfort zone. I would hate to miss out just because I have never had the pleasure before. 5 star read! Hands Down!!!
I received this for an honest review~
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