Take Me Home for Christmas by
Brenda Novak
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
I was asked by this author to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is the first book I have read by Brenda Novak, I was not sure what to expect and I have to say what a breath of fresh air!
How long should you punish yourself for past transgressions? A year, 15 years, a lifetime? This is Sophia DeBussi biggest setback in life, that and her missing husband. So hell bent on punishing herself for every wrong decision she ever made in her teenage years, Sophia can't help but take years of abuse as penance. So when her hubby abandons ship, leaving her to tidy up the scandal he left behind, she has to finally get a grip on how she wants to live. With a town filled with scorned hearts is there any room for forgiveness?
This is the only book in the Whiskey Creek series that I have read, I had no problem getting into the story without reading any of the other books. I do however really want to read the rest of them!
I found the writing to be expressive and captivating. Sophia's story really exposes raw human emotion in her unwavering ability to berate herself for pretty much every mistake she has made. This is where I was really drawn in , I really felt connected to her with the past regrets that weigh down future endeavors. So reading her trials and tribulations all the while rooting for her was great.
Brenda Novak has a keen way of bring her characters to life. Eve was inspirational, I thought for a moment she was going to turn into that girl who has your back until it isn't convenient anymore.... but I was pleasantly surprised.
I recommend this book to all you out there who root for the underdog, enjoy reading about selfless people, forgiveness, love and are in need of inspiring humanity.
I read this recently: If you can give one piece of advice to a large group of people what would it be?
When a wave comes, go deep!
Translation: There are 3 things you can do when life sends a wave at you.
1) Run from it, but then it's going to catch up with you and knock you down.
2) You can also fall back on your ego and stand your ground, but then it's still going to clobber you.
3) Or you can use it as an opportunity to go DEEP, and transform yourself to match the circumstances. And that's how you get through the wave.
Song great for this book: Shake it off by Florence and the Machine.
I want to extend a Huge thank you to the author b/c out of all the books I have read I really feel I need to read this one at this point in my life.
Thanks~ Happy Reading~
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